Vegan Raita – 2 ways
I have 2 delicious vegan Raita recipes for you today. In case you’re still wondering, it’s a vegan version of the classic recipe.
Classic Raita is an Indian side dish, known for its freshness. I’ve used tofu instead of yoghurt and it works above my expectations !
Can’t take the heat? Try out my 2 vegan Raita recipes. The classic vegan Raita or the Raita with mango cubes for a hit of sweetness.
It takes seconds to make them. Use it to top a delicious butternut kale curry or as a dip or with sweet potato hash browns. It’s cooling us down and it is full of contrast in flavors.
Top Tip about tofu
Soy (and especially tofu, made from the curd of crushed-up soybeans) has a controversial reputation. Not everyone thinks consuming tofu is a good idea, but it seems that there is no evidence showing it’s harmful and there are a lot of points in the opposite direction. Tofu is high in vitamins and essential amino acids for example.
So when I go for tofu, it is with moderation and I consume it only organic (non GMO).
I have actually 3 keywords for my lifestyle : moderation, balance & variety.
Healthy vegan raita and…
Fresh, crunchy, summerish & (tooo) easy !
If you make it
If you make the vegan raita, tag me on Instagram as @live.and.taste and use #liveandtaste hashtag.
Feel free to ask me any question or leave me a comment (reply) below the recipe, I will be thrilled to reply to you.
Healthy greetings from Laetitia

VEGAN RAITA (classic)
- 1 package soft tofu (silken), drained
- 1 big cucumber (or 2 small), seeded and chopped
- 1 handful of mint (approx. 25 leaves)
- 2 tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed + a bit of lemon zest
- 1 tbsp fresh dill (chopped)
- 1 shallot, chopped
- 2 tsp cumin powder
- Himalayan salt & fresh ground pepper to taste
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
- 1/2 mango, peeled and cubed
VEGAN RAITA (classic)
- Blend all ingredients in a blender, until you reach a creamy texture (but not smooth). You want to keep it a bit chunky.
- Transfer in a bowl and refrigerate. Serve when it is cool.
- Add your cubed mango to your classic RAITA bowl and mix with a spoon until well combine. Refrigerate.