In my day to day life, I love to have a green smoothie bowl recipe on hand that tastes fantastic. This recipe is simply...
This is a new white sauce that I have been recently cooking at home and it’s genius. I call it white sauce, plant-based style...
I have a new favorite plant-based recipe : a stuffed butternut squash for a delicious vegan dinner. Last week the temperatures dropped in Bahrain...
Craving a crunchy, chocolatey treat that’s also healthy? My raw cacao crunchy cookies are the perfect guilt-free indulgence. Packed with superfoods like chia seeds...
This beautiful three berries compote (or berries puree) is ideal to add more fruits (and antioxidants) into your diet. Plus it will brighten any...
Here is a beautiful and easy-to-make colorful beetroot carpaccio, with a drizzle of olive oil, Balsamic vinegar and lime! This raw beetroot carpaccio is...