This mixed nuts milk recipe is for me a fabulous alternative to dairy milk. It’s usually called a vegetal or nut milk as it...
Do you always wonder how to cook butterbeans, those large white beans? We have a very nice butter beans broccoli with pesto recipe and...
This nut free and healthy raw cacao buckwheat granola is also another gluten free alternative for a perfect breakfast. There is nothing easier and...
This sweet and savory summer salad with honeydew, beetroot, feta is so tempting. I love to prepare it as an appetizer or as a...
This type of healthy falafel cabbage wraps is a perfect way to make a meal more enjoyable and beautiful. Made of savoy cabbage, this...
This is a super quick recipe, for a homemade and very yummy avocado coriander dip that everybody will love. You’ll need 5 ingredients only...