I want to share another way to enjoy infused water with herbs, fruits, lemon etc… It is my colorful infused ice cubes recipe. Actually...
With my kids, I prioritize simple homemade recipes and it doesn’t get much simpler than this sweet potato hash browns recipe, that is egg...
I have 2 delicious vegan Raita recipes for you today. In case you’re still wondering, it’s a vegan version of the classic recipe. Classic Raita...
This Jerusalem artichoke wedges recipe is (very) easy (hurray!), quick and delicious, but only if those delish veggies are in season. I love Jerusalem...
I have tasted my first chickpea omelette few months ago at Life’n One in Dubai and I fell in love for its taste and...
Yeah!! This is one of my favorite dressing from now on. It is a carrot ginger dressing with a hint of toasted sesame oil...